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Live webcams: Shuya

Shuya in real time. Interesting webcams of the world: Shuya on air, 24 hours, 365 days a year, nearby: Kolobovo, Kokhma, Arkhipovka, Novyye Gorki, Savino, Lezhnevo, Palekh.

Popular webcams

Webcam at the Central Square of Shuya city

Live broadcast from webcam at the Central square of Shuya city, Ivanovo region. Online cam is installed on the shopping center «Kaskad».
Broadcasting method: live feed 1080p
Webcams, which are free for all broadcasts in real time, are installed everywhere: on the streets, in the hotels, on the promenades and the beaches, shops, airports, train stations, etc.

With live cams Shuya is allways online.

Popular pages with real time webcams:

ISS, Moscow.

Website news:

  • Many Russian webcams have been added.
  • New live webcams in Gagra (Abkhazia) have been added.
  • Live all-day broadcats have been started from the ISS: beautiful vews of the Earth from Space.