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Live webcams: Lac La Biche

Lac La Biche in real time. Popular webcams: Lac La Biche in real time, all-day, free, without registration, nearby: Smoky Lake, Athabasca, Bonnyville, Two Hills, Elk Point, Cold Lake, Lamont.

Nearby webcams

Great Horned Owl Webcam, Montana

Live webcam demonstrates a nest of the Great Horned Owl in Montana (USA) in real time. This nest is installed in western Montana near the Ninepipes Nature Reserve, where Great Horned Owls nest every year. The Great Horned Owl owl is one of the most magnificent species of owls. It is known for its deep scream, frightening yellow-eyed look and long bunches similar to ear. Because of these bunches, it was nicknamed the «great horned».
Broadcasting method: live feed 1080p
801.2 km.

Osprey Nest Webcam

Osprey Nest Webcam: live from Charlo, Montana.
Broadcasting way: live stream 720p
829 km.

Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort Webcam

Live PTZ webcam is positioned in the Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort in Parksville, Vancouver Island, in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Web cam in real time shows the view of the ocean. On the video from the camera, you can also see the island of Mistaken and the Ballenas Islands in the Strait of Georgia in the Salish Sea of the Pacific Ocean.
Broadcasting mode: live feed 720p
1034.7 km.

Old Faithful Geyser Webcam, USA

Live webcam broadcasts the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming in the USA. The eruption of the geyser can be observed in real time, it occurs every 35-120 minutes. The eruption of Old Faithful lasts from 1.5 to 5 minutes. The height of the column of boiling water ranges from 32 to 56 meters, and the volume of water thrown out is from 14 to 32 thousand liters.
Broadcasting way: live stream 720p
1149 km.

Dino Cam

Dino Cam: Museum of Geology, School of Mines and Technology, South Dakota.
Broadcasting way: live stream 1080p
1345 km.

Retirement Cam

The Retired Pack originated in 2002, for the aging 1993 litter including MacKenzie, Lakota and Lucas. Now it's time for the next generation of retirees. Malik and Shadow, arctic subspecies of the gray wolf, were born May 8, 2000. Malik was the lowest ranking male in the Exhibit Pack. He was retired in September 2009, after aggression from Grizzer, the second ranking male, became too intense for Malik's physical safety. Shadow was retired in June, 2010, as he began show to signs of aging that resulted in testing from the younger wolves.
Broadcasting mode: live stream 1080p
1585.6 km.

Wolf Den Webcam

Wolf Den Webcam: this is the primary resting spot for wolves during the winter months, where they lie on beds of straw for added warmth. During the summer, the wolves are more likely to be inside the den, escaping the heat of summer. This location is known as the "wolf den" by wolf care staff.
Broadcasting method: live stream 1080p
1585.6 km.

Bald eagles nest webcam, Redding, California

Live webcam submits a nest of Bald eagles in the city of Redding, California, USA. The camera works in real time and allows you to remotely observe birds without interfering with their natural life. These bald eagles nest in a tree in Turtle Bay near the Sacramento River in a forestry area.
Broadcasting technique: live feed 1080p
1753.9 km.
Webcams, which are free for all broadcasts in real time, are installed everywhere: on the streets, in the hotels, on the promenades and the beaches, shops, airports, train stations, etc.

With live cams Lac La Biche is allways online.

Popular pages with real time webcams:

ISS, Moscow.

Website news:

  • Many Russian webcams have been added.
  • New live webcams in Gagra (Abkhazia) have been added.
  • Live all-day broadcats have been started from the ISS: beautiful vews of the Earth from Space.