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Live webcams: Kushelevka

Kushelevka in real time. Interesting webcams of the world: Kushelevka in real time mode, 24 hours, nearby: Sampsonievskiy, Kalininskiy, Svetlanovskiy, Finlyandskiy, Akademicheskoe, Chernaya Rechka, Udel'naya.

Nearby webcams

Webcam at the intersection of Science Avenue and Butlerov Street, Saint Petersburg

Live webcam transmits the intersection of Science Avenue and Butlerov Street in Kalininsky District of Saint Petersburg in real time. The camera is located on the house number 40 on Butlerov Street and directed towards the Science Avenue and the monument to the pilots of the Red Banner Baltic.
Broadcasting mode: live video 1080p
3 km.

Webcam at the intersection of Investigators and Kolomyazhsky Avenues

Live webcam broadcasts the intersection of Investigators Avenue and Kolomyazhsky Avenue in Saint Petersburg. The camera works in real time. Investigators Avenue is a latitudinal highway in the Vyborg and Primorsky administrative districts of Saint Petersburg. Passes from Svetlanov Square to the Commandant's Square.
Broadcasting way: live feed 480p
4 km.

Webcam on Yesenin Street in Saint Petersburg

Live webcam demonstrates Yesenin Street in Saint Petersburg in real time. The camera is placed on the «Aquamatic» car wash at the address: Russia, Saint Petersburg, Yesenin Street, Building 2k2. The web camera allows you to monitor the queue for the «Aquamatic» car wash in real time.
Broadcasting method: live stream 720p
4.3 km.

Webcam of the cruiser «Aurora», close-up

Live webcam demonstrates the famous cruiser «Aurora» close-up in real time. Now the cruiser is moored at the Petrogradskaya Embankment on the Bolshaya Nevka River in Saint Petersburg.
Broadcasting method: live stream 1080p
4.5 km.

PTZ webcam on Petrovskaya Embankment, Saint Petersburg

Live PTZ webcam on Petrovskaya Embankment submits various views of Saint Petersburg in real time. On the broadcast from the camera, you can see Pirogovskaya Embankment, Liteiny Bridge, Kutuzov Embankment, the Neva and Bolshaya Nevka rivers, Palace Embankment, Summer Garden, Troitsky Bridge.
Broadcasting technique: live stream 1440p
4.6 km.

Russian Cruiser Aurora Webcam

Russian Cruiser «Aurora» Webcam: live view of the Russian Cruiser Aurora, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Aurora is a 1900 Russian protected cruiser, currently preserved as a museum ship in St. Petersburg. She battled the Japanese Navy in the Russo-Japanese War. One of the first incidents of the October Revolution in Russia took place on the cruiser Aurora.
Broadcasting technique: live feed 1080p
4.6 km.

Indigo Hotel PTZ webcam, Saint Petersburg

Live PTZ webcam of the Indigo Hotel submits the panorama of Saint Petersburg in real time. The camera is placed on the terrace of the «Wine and Water» restaurant on Tchaikovsky Street, 17.
Broadcasting technique: live feed 1080p
5.3 km.

Webcam on the spire of Peter and Paul Fortress

Live webcam installed on the spire of Peter and Paul Fortress (Petropavlovka) on Zayachy Island in St. Petersburg. The camera demonstrates the view of Vasilyevsky Island in real time.
Broadcasting method: live feed 720p
5.4 km.

PTZ webcam on Dobrolyubov Avenue in Staint Petersburg, Russia

Live PTZ webcam submits the panorama of Saint Petersburg in real time. The camera is mounted on Dobrolyubov Avenue opposite the Birzhevoy Bridge.
Broadcasting technique: live video 1080p
6 km.
Webcams, which are free for all broadcasts in real time, are installed everywhere: on the streets, in the hotels, on the promenades and the beaches, shops, airports, train stations, etc.

With live cams Kushelevka is allways online.

Popular pages with real time webcams:

ISS, Moscow.

Website news:

  • Many Russian webcams have been added.
  • New live webcams in Gagra (Abkhazia) have been added.
  • Live all-day broadcats have been started from the ISS: beautiful vews of the Earth from Space.