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Live webcams: Krasnoobsk

Krasnoobsk in real time. Webcams listing: Krasnoobsk on air all-day, 365 days a year, no registration, no fee, nearby: Novolugovoye, Akademgorodok, Kol'tsovo, Baryshevo, Novosibirsk, Verkh-Tula, Ob'.

Nearby webcams

Curling club «Penguin» webcam: the game on the Back of the House

Online webcam №3 at the curling club «Penguin» submits the track in real time.
Broadcasting technique: live feed 360p
17.8 km.

Curling club «Penguin» webcam: track 3

Online webcam at the curling club «Penguin» demonstrates the track №3 in real time. Curling club «Penguin» - one of the most modern multi-functional facilities in Siberia, intended for cultural and entertainment events
Broadcasting method: live stream 360p
17.8 km.

Webcam of the Village Dairy Plant, Kemerovo Region

Live webcam at the Village Dairy Plant in the Promyshlennovsky District of the Kemerovo Region of Russia. The camera submits in real time how cows are milked on the AutoRotor Magnum 40/40 Carousel with a capacity of 1800 cows per shift. The cows of the Village Dairy Plant share milk in three shifts:
Broadcasting technique: live feed 1080p
133 km.

Webcam at the crossroads of Kuznetsky - Lenina

Traffic webcam broadcasts the crossroads of Lenin Avenue and Kuznetsky Avenue in the city of Kemerovo. The webcam allows to evaluate traffic on the crossroads.
Broadcasting way: live feed 480p
200.8 km.

Crossroads Kuznetsk - Soviet

Traffic webcam demonstrates the crossroads of Kuznetsky Avenue and Soviet Avenue in the city of Kemerovo, Russia. The webcam allows to evaluate the traffic situation on the crossroads.
Broadcasting method: live video 480p
201.6 km.

Crossroad of Krasnoarmeyskaya - 50 years of October

Traffic webcam transmits the crossroads of Krasnoarmeyskaya Street and 50 years of October Street in Kemerovo city.
Broadcasting mode: live video 480p
202.2 km.

Kuznetsky Most Webcam

Live webcam transmits the online view of Kuznetsky Most in Kemerovo city.
Broadcasting mode: live stream 360p
202.3 km.

Webcam at the crossroads of Suvorov - Rutgers

Traffic webcam broadcasts the crossroads of Suvorov Street and Rutgers Street in the city of Kemerovo, Russia. The camera allows to evaluate the traffic situation and the presence of congestion on the crossroads.
Broadcasting way: live video 480p
202.5 km.
Webcams, which are free for all broadcasts in real time, are installed everywhere: on the streets, in the hotels, on the promenades and the beaches, shops, airports, train stations, etc.

With live cams Krasnoobsk is allways online.

Popular pages with real time webcams:

ISS, Moscow.

Website news:

  • Many Russian webcams have been added.
  • New live webcams in Gagra (Abkhazia) have been added.
  • Live all-day broadcats have been started from the ISS: beautiful vews of the Earth from Space.