🌐 Live webcams

Live webcams: Budapest XIII. keruelet

Budapest XIII. keruelet in real time. Webcam broadcasts: Budapest XIII. keruelet on air, 24 hours, free, nearby: Budapest XIV. keruelet, Budapest III. keruelet, Budapest VI. keruelet, Budapest VII. keruelet, Budapest IV. keruelet, Budapest II. keruelet, Budapest XV. keruelet.

Nearby webcams

Webcam at the nest of storks in the village of Dlouga Lochka

Live webcam shows a view of the nest of white storks in the village of Dlouga Loucka in Olomouc District, Olomouc Region, Czech Republic. The camera works in real time. Live webcast from the webcam allows you to watch the nesting of white storks 24 hours a day.
Broadcasting way: live feed 1080p
290.1 km.

Webcam at the stork nest in the village of Bohuslavice, Czech Republic

Live webcam installed at the nest of white storks in the village of Bohuslavice in the Czech Republic. A 24-hour live broadcast from this camera allows you to watch birds in real time without interfering with their lives.
Broadcasting method: live feed 2160p
404.6 km.

Webcam at the bird feeder in Makov Center

Live webcam is located near the bird feeder in the Makov Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. The camera in real time submits various birds arriving to peck food in the feeder. Here you can see different birds: sparrows, titmouses, jays, woodpeckers, goldfinches and others. Please write in comments to this live webcam which birds you saw in the feeder.
Broadcasting technique: live feed 1080p
420.2 km.

Webcam at the pond of Makov Center

Live webcam is set near the pond in the center «Makov» of rehabilitation of injured wild animals. With this camera you can watch a variety of birds and animals.
Broadcasting mode: live feed 720p
420.2 km.

Webcam in the stork nest

Live webcam is positioned near the stork nest in the center of rehabilitation of injured wild animals. White storks nest for more than ten years at the center, and during that time they have grown more than 30 chicks. The camera shows in real time.
Broadcasting technique: live stream 1080p
420.2 km.

PTZ webcam in Prague

Live PTZ webcam is placed in Prague and demonstrates different views of the city and attractions: Charles Bridge, Bedrich Smetana Museum, Prague Castle, Strahov Monastery, Liechtenstein Palace, St. Nicholas Church, St. Vitus Cathedral.
Broadcasting method: live video 720p
444.3 km.

Webcam at Prague International Airport

Live webcam is positioned at the international airport in Prague (Czech Republic) near the airport runway 06/24. The camera in real time allows you to watch the takeoff and landing of aircraft. For ease of observation, at the bottom of the online broadcast there is a scoreboard that transmits a list of the nearest flights (as well as information about aircraft), which should appear on the broadcast within a few seconds.
Broadcasting mode: live stream 1080p
454.4 km.

Webcam at the nests of abandoned storks, Kozubszczyzna, Poland

The live webcam broadcasts the nests of abandoned storks, which for various reasons were thrown by their parents from the nest and sent to the stork rehabilitation center in Kozubszczyzna village. The camera allows you to watch in real time as storks live on special high platforms that provide them with real living conditions. Here the birds are watered and fed every day. Thanks to the minimal contact with people, the storks become wild and unrestrained. In August, they will fly with other storks for wintering in Africa.
Broadcasting way: live feed 1080p
476.8 km.
Webcams, which are free for all broadcasts in real time, are installed everywhere: on the streets, in the hotels, on the promenades and the beaches, shops, airports, train stations, etc.

With live cams Budapest XIII. keruelet is allways online.

Popular pages with real time webcams:

ISS, Moscow.

Website news:

  • Many Russian webcams have been added.
  • New live webcams in Gagra (Abkhazia) have been added.
  • Live all-day broadcats have been started from the ISS: beautiful vews of the Earth from Space.